Speaking Up for Asian Americans; Standing Up Against Hate
Over the last year, we have seen how a global pandemic, and the associated challenges, both physical and emotional, have brought out the best in people. But there is no doubt that the struggles and isolation of the pandemic – and ill-advised rhetoric -- have sometimes brought out the worst side of humanity, exposing and exacerbating many of the ongoing problems in our society.
The increase in violence against Asian Americans has reminded us that we have a long way to go to a day when everyone is safe, and no one is targeted because of their identity. Since the beginning of the pandemic, hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased by nearly 150 percent, as recent reported attacks in California underscore. And the fatalities in Atlanta, including the deaths of six Asian women, throw yet another spotlight on violence impacting our communities of color. I commend President Biden for today’s proclamation calling for flags to fly at half-staff in honor of the Atlanta victims.

As a nation and as a company, we must work together to create communities where everyone feels included, supported and safe. We must be a community where an Asian American person can walk down a neighborhood street without fear of being attacked and beaten, and no one worries about violence simply because of the way they look or the color of their skin.
We stand with our valued Asian American colleagues, neighbors and customers, and remain committed to making Exelon and our communities better and stronger.